Halloween 2006

The Impling scampered around, calling “Ha-WEEN! Ha-WEEN”, and demanded readings of “Going on a Ghost Hunt” and pieces of “Ha-WEEN cake!”. There was the inevitable bumblebee costume in her closet, and a fuzzy ladybug coat for outside when we walked to a not-so-spooky Halloween party. There she communed with all the other bees and ladybugs, founded a collective of like-minded short people, and proceeded to take over the world. Resistance is futile.

"Bow before me, tiny ones"

"Yes, I am your new ruler. Do you have a problem with that? I knew you didn't"

"I guess this will work instead of a human sacrifice..."

"You want a piece of me?

Impling defends her throne.

Later that night...

Grand Empress Impling and her court of peons.
We have world domination, baby.

"Damn! Now what am I going to do tomorrow night?"

The same thing we do every night...


*for all you Pinky and the Brain fans. I know you're out there.


Pendullum said…
How hilarious is that??? Pinky and the Brain...
Can you believe that my kid carried around the BRAIN and kept on telling me how cute it was(She was 2 years old)
Loved the costume! What a cutie!!!
Namito said…
I LOVE your kid.

I'd love to find a stuffed Brain (how weird does THAT sound?) if only to teach the Impling to say:

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"
KC said…
Joles would love that bumblebee outfit! What a fun time.
Girlplustwo said…
came your way via KC and her cape...and am glad i did - those pics are perfectly adorable. looks like a great time.
Sandra said…
She is just the cutest little thing I have ever ever seen!!

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